Friday, January 14, 2005

Delayed commentary on the Year that Was

2004 was the best year of my life. I was concerned at the conclusion of it that I would be shutting the door on an old friend, a good and faithful friend. Then I talked myself out of it, no, surely the tick of the clock, the turning from 11.59pm to midnight, could not so wholly change my life. And yet, it seems to have.
What was, what I was hoping was, a fantastic change in my outlook on life, myself, other people and all things around me, turned out to be a year of good luck. It wasn't what I did in 2004 that is important, it's that I felt triumphant.
Reen Dog conquers all!
So here in only the second week back at what in 2004 I called a good job, I feel like the triumph of 2004 is so long gone, much longer than 11 days gone.
I'm taking time out of my menial job to jot down these thoughts about 2005. I worked out that I'm due to retire in 2044. I can't do 39 more years of shit jobs.
2004, where for art thou?