A Love Story
Silhouetted in the light from the bathroom windowHis bulk is framed by my bedroom door
Looming figure
Dark, indistinguishable features
Inspiring fear in me
I must not let him win!
“Oh, it’s you”
I try to sound casual
“What do you want?”
“You know why I’m here”
Expressionless, matter of fact
He takes a step forward, into my room
I force myself to look at him,
My body ridged, cold sweat
I close my eyes and swallow
I try to think,
but can remember nothing from before the time he entered my room
Warm, hot, gentle fingers
Tracing the outline of my face
Brushing away the hairs clinging to the damp of my skin
Burning lips pressed lightly, momentarily against my forehead
Anticipation fills the air for what seems an eternity,
but must only be a few seconds
I hear the swoosh of the heavy object in his hand
And now, there is Nothing.