thanksgiving mantra
I am thankful for I am aliveI am thankful for I am in Canada
I am thankful for I can see, touch, breathe, smell and taste
I am thankful for great people in my life
I am thankful for my true friends
I am thankful for a family that loves me
I am thankful for I have always had plenty
I am thankful for I have loved and been loved
I am thankful for I am me
I am thankful for I have been able to learn from my mistakes
I am thankful for the sea and the ocean, my solace
I am thankful for honey and lemons
I am thankful for the feeling that green grass under my body gives me
I am thankful for the feeling of sunshine on my skin
I am thankful for the color of the sky as the sun goes down
I am thankful for having the means to travel
I am thankful for every experience I have had
I am thankful for people that challenge me and the way I think
I am thankful for being able to read and write
I am thankful for the internet
I am thankful for music
I am thankful for people who question
I am thankful for change
I am thankful for not knowing what tomorrow brings
I am thankful