Step 1
Well, here I am in Singapore, my first step in the journey to Canada and my much missed friend. I am using the resources of a friend's office to write this blog, I figure using work time to do personal things works for my in Melbourne, so why not here!!Singapore weather controllers have been kind enough to drop their temperature to 28, just for me! So far, in terms of landing in a new country and using their public transport system, Singapore gets the big thumbs up. Yep, absolutely tops. Who could believe that a little Cobbers girl could make her way from Melbourne to a office somewhere in downtown Singapore all by herself? Or am I the only one surprised by the feat? Comfortable, clean, efficient, cheap, well sign posted public transport, what more could a Cobberite need to get around?
But then again, I am just at the beginning of my journey, who knows what tomorrow may bring - good things I hope.