Sunday, September 12, 2004

Why Travel?

With only 2 more days before I begin my little expidition, I find myself asking, why travel? And why do I ask this question? Why travel, when you can walk to your local shops and see such interesting sights as a man walking along, smoking a pipe. Yep, that's what I said, a pipe. I mean, I've seen people smoking cigarettes in public, and less commonly joints, and even less commonly cigars, but never a pipe. He wasn't wearing slippers either. Or is it just legend that puts pipe smoking and slippers together? In fact, he was dressed rather more like he should have been smoking Winnie Blues.
I think I need to let Lonely Planet know. It certainly belongs in a tourist guide, "... and walking through the streets of suburban Melbourne, don't be surprised if you see people smoking pipes..."
All too late, for I was surprised!