2007 Mondo Beyondo

Well, it has been a long time since I added to my blog, but here is the 2007 Mondo Beyondo list of stuff that I hope for in the next 12 months and beyond:
- Become a Canadian citizen/Have my visa approved.
- Find a great space in which to live, interact and create.
- Take a photography course and learn to use my camera more creatively.
- Watch plenty of films and documentaries, but less TV.
- Find a new career direction and a path away from the one my career is currently on.
- Re-evaluate my circle of friends - expanding my social circle.
- Visit Japan.
- Listen to 3RRR more than just breakfast time.
- Find that elusive volunteer opportunity for a Social Justice Organization.
- Learn some basic yoga.
- Learn reflexology.
- More time with my sister and brother.
- Touch Uluru with an open hand.
- Sleep under the stars in the desert.
- Work close to where I live.
- Pay more attention to the needs of my mind, body and spirit and do things to nurture them.
- Eat more organic food.
- Spend 1 weekend each month outside of Melbourne.
- Know more about where the food that I eat comes from.
- Help someone make a film.
- Make a fancy dress costume.
- Do 30 special things in October as part of a personal birthday celebration.
- Read 12 interesting books.