Wanna know a secret...
I'm sometimes quite a strange person. That's probably not a shock to people who know me, but it's true.
Sometimes obscure and insignificant things bother me.
For instance, on at least ten occasions in the past two weeks, I have heard different people refer to a common pasta dish as...ahem..."
Spag Bog".
For some unknown reason, this term irks me like somebody scraping fingernails down a blackboard.
I cringe. The hairs on the back of my neck stand on end.
I shudder and inside I scream, "IT'S SPAGHETTI BOLOGNESE, NOT FUCKING SPAG BOG".
I don't outwardly protest, but I live in fear that they will repeat those words again.
I love Spaghetti Bolognese, but I'm not partial to nicknames that make perfectly good comfort food sound like some kind of cockney pub toilet, that hasn't been cleaned in a month!
And while we're on the topic of nicknames. I also am irked by two monikers that I've been hearing bandied about lately, namely:
Bug-a-Lugs - "
Where's Bug-a-Lugs?" I don't know, out lugging bugs? What's that all about?
Losers - There is one guy at my work who makes a point of saying, "
Morning Losers" to our team every time he walks by. And every time I hear him, well...if looks could kill...
Today's message from the word of G2C...
mondo beyondo 2006
It has taken sometime for me to blog this list of dreams and pseudo-resolutions that I have. I lost the list, so it's only in my head, but here goes:
- To become a Canadian citizen.
- To have a settled space, and buy a piano and immerse myself in music again.
- Make time to be creative for the sake of creativity.
- Upgrade my digital camera, and take a photography course.
- Find multiple creative mentors.
- Let some new people into the middle onion.
- Become friends with an older person, for no other reason than to gain insight into the wisdom of their life lessons and unique perspective of the world.
- To adore my friends in a more tangible way.
- Halve my possessions again.
- Take extended holidays in Japan and Sweden.
- Make more time to be near the sea.
- Resolve the unresolved relationships.
- Listen to Triple J regularly and find a Canadian equivalent.
- Swim in winter.
- Volunteer for a Social Justice Organization.
- Develop an informed opinion on major issues as opposed to one based on snippets from the media by seeking truth.
- Watch less than an hour of Television a week.
family portraits...
My nephew drew a portrait of me. He entitled the work, "Uncle Tim (with Mutton Chops) in a Thoughtful Mood". I just love it.

My niece proclaimed to me that she wants to be a photographer when she grows up. I told her that perhaps she already is a photographer, handed her my digital camera and told her to take some pictures. We played a game where I gave her a word and told her to go photgraph it. Here is a candid shot that she took of me as part of the game for the word, Beyond.
new year, new blog
I've decided to change the look of my blog and try my hand at personalising my template. Clearly there are a few teething problems, but it will come together very soon... :)