Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Reflection of Me

You smile back at me in a way that is familiar
I beam and you beam back
Happiness at my joy
Sorrow at my loss
Such a comfort
Like looking at my reflection

I saw warmth in our relationship
Generosity, kindness
Thoughtfulness, Attention
Beautiful… Beauty

It took me a long time to figure it out
I was so foolish
What I mistook for you reading me so well
Was my own reflection

You are merely a mirror
A two dimensional image
Incapable of contributing independent feelings
Nothing that is not a reflection of my own
Incapable of giving me what I need

Do I need to keep you around?
Cute bevelled edge
Hanging from a decorative chain

What not?
Why not keep you up on the lounge room wall
People do so admire mirrors